A Davy Crockett hat

Remember the AVMO: Growth of the USA’s renewable diesel production capacity

Renewable diesel in the USA Cerulogy’s 2022 report ‘Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral (Oil)?’ explored how aggressive expansion of renewable diesel1 production in the USA impacts markets for vegetable oils around the world (Malins & Sandford, 2022). This retrospective blog post evaluates how the renewable diesel industry has grown in response to various market pressures since […]

Biofuels and food markets

A period of food price inflation starting in 2020, exacerbated by the invasion of Ukraine, brought the ‘food versus fuel’ issue back into the political spotlight in recent years. This review paper for Oxfam discusses the evidence relating to the impact of biofuel mandates on food prices, updating our previous review on the subject, which […]

Vertical Take-off? Cost Implications and Industrial Development Scenarios for the UK SAF Mandate

In this paper for the International Council on Clean Transportation we consider the industrial development implications of the targets for alternative aviation fuel supply that are being introduced throught he UK’s SAF Mandate.  

4th meeting of the EU expert group on carbon removals

Cerulogy is working for the European Commission on certification methodologies permanent carbon removals under the EU carbon removal certification framework (CRCF). Dr Malins chaired sessions focused on the certification of DACCS, BECCS and biochar carbon removal on the third day of the 4th meeting of the European Commission’s Expert Group.  

ICCT Global Automaker Rating for 2023

The second Global Automaker Rating report, published by the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT), assesses how global car manufacturers are placed in their adoption of electric vehicles. The report covers technology, market, and corporate governance dimensions. Having supported the first Global Automaker Rating in 2023, Cerulogy were glad to contribute once again by reviewing […]

Stakeholder workshop on the Innovation Fund

On the 11th June the European Commission DG Climate Action held the 2024 stakeholder workshop on the Innovation Fund. Cerulogy’s Chris Malins hosted the session on the Energy Intensive Industries.    

The BIKE logo

‘Low ILUC-Risk’ as a Sustainability Standard for Biofuels in the EU

Indirect land use change (ILUC) can add significantly to biofuels’ carbon footprint, and the EU has implemented measures to limit ILUC arising from its energy policy. The paper argues that ‘low ILUC-risk’ certification could be positioned as a gold standard of biofuel sustainability, as it minimises biofuels’ impacts on food markets and on ILUC, and […]

Low ILUC pilots and guidance

The final deliverables from Cerulogy’s work with Guidehouse on low ILUC-risk biofuels for the European Commission has now been published. The published documents include reports from five low ILUC-risk pilot audits, certification guidance and a discursive report.  

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Hydrogen Delivered Lifecycle Analysis Tool

Cerulogy worked with the Clean Air Task Force to develop an online tool to allow users to explore the lifecycle emissions of conventional and renewable hydrogen production. It allows users to review the full lifecycle emissions of hydrogen while changing a number of assumptions, including the methane leakage rate for natural gas supply, the electricity […]

Review paper on permanent carbon removals

Cerulogy is working for the European Commission Directorate General for Climate Action in partnership with ICF and Fraunhofer ISI on the development of EU certification methodologies for permanent carbon removals. The first document published from this ongoing project is a review of existing certification methodologies for carbon dioxide reductions and removals and of relevant EU […]