Low ILUC pilots and guidance

The final deliverables from Cerulogy’s work with Guidehouse on low ILUC-risk biofuels for the European Commission has now been published. The published documents include reports from five low ILUC-risk pilot audits, certification guidance and a discursive report.  

High and low ILUC risk – technical assistance to the European Commission

Since 2020, Cerulogy has been working for the European Commission Directorate General for Energy, as part of a consortium led by Guidehouse, on a re-assessment of which biofuel feedstocks should be identified as high indirect land use change risk under the EU’s Renewable Energy Directive and on the development of certification guidelines for low indirect […]

The BIKE logo

BIKE biofuels

BIKE is a multi-year project funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme. Its aim is to assess the market potential of the EU’s low ILUC-risk concept – from practical, regulatory, and economic standpoints. The BIKE consortium includes expertise from academia, industry, international agencies, and the private sector. Cerulogy has a leadership role in BIKE’s policy-oriented […]

The BIKE logo

Challenges and Recommendations for Improved Identification of Low ILUC-Risk Agricultural Biomass

The “low indirect land use change risk” (“low ILUC-risk”) concept was developed to assess whether a given batch of crop-based biofuels competes with other land uses and is likely to stimulate the expansion of agricultural land. At the core of low ILUC-risk is an “additionality principle” that aims to ensure that special policy treatment is […]

Considerations for addressing indirect land use change in Danish biofuel regulation

This report for the Danish Energy Agency presents an overview and review of indirect land use change modelling, and provides a discussion of options for Denmark to adjust its biofuel policy to take further account of indirect land use change emissions.

Soy, land use change and ILUC-risk

In its assessment of which biofuel feedstocks should be considered ‘high ILUC-risk’, the European Commission found that soy oil was associated with second highest deforestation risk of the biofuel feedstocks considered, but that the level of deforestation identified fell below the threshold for high ILUC-risk designation. This study for Transport and Environment reviews the relationship […]