In December 2015, the world committed to meeting a 2º target for limiting the extent of climate change, with the aspiration to limit global warming within 1.5º. Getting there will require extensive decarbonisation of the transport sector, and low carbon fuels are seen as a primary tool, especially for modes where electrification and other efficiency improvement are more difficult.
While the opportunity for low carbon fuels is clear, the history of the first generation industry is contentious because of sustainability concerns, while efforts to commercialise new technologies have failed to deliver on early expectations. We’re interested in how to develop advanced biofuel policy that really works, for technology developers, investors and wider society, with experience engaging with the policy process for Europe, the UK, California, the U.S., and for international aviation.
Related policies
EU Renewable Energy Directive, Fuel Quality Directive
UK Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation
California Low Carbon Fuel Standard
U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard
International Civil Aviation Organisation CORSIA