A Davy Crockett hat

Remember the AVMO: Growth of the USA’s renewable diesel production capacity

Renewable diesel in the USA Cerulogy’s 2022 report ‘Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral (Oil)?’ explored how aggressive expansion of renewable diesel1 production in the USA impacts markets for vegetable oils around the world (Malins & Sandford, 2022). This retrospective blog post evaluates how the renewable diesel industry has grown in response to various market pressures since […]

Washington’s Clean Fuel Future

With Clean Fuel Programs (CFPs, also referred to as Low Carbon Fuel Standards) active in California, Oregon and British Columbia, and set to be introduced at the federal level in Canada, it is unsurprising that a Clean Fuel Program for Washington State is back on the political agenda. In a new report prepared for the […]

California’s Clean Fuel Future

The California Air Resources Board is in the process of stakeholder engagement before setting compliance targets to 2030 for the Low Carbon Fuel Standard, and Cerulogy was asked by the NextGen Foundation, Ceres and the Union of Concerned Scientists to provide fuel supply modelling to inform the decision. The study shows that with moderate assumptions […]